Our First Post!


Rua at one month

Hello Everyone!  This is the first of many posts in the Life of Rua.  This blog was started to be able to share with family, friends, social networking friends and because of this wonderful world of technology, perfect strangers, how my Life with Rua is!

Rua will have her first birthday on July 27th, and I am so blessed that my two sisters, Dawn and April, will be flying out the weekend before for a birthday celebration.  My sisters live very close to each other in California (where I am originally from) and met Rua in January of this past year when I flew out with Rua for a visit.  Rua was 6 months old and weighed under 13 pounds…she fit in a small travel carrier under my seat on the plane!

My brother, Ralph, is helping me get my blog going by hosting my website and getting things set up.  I can’t wait to get a gallery set up so I can post pictures.  My little point-in-shoot digital camera was not capable of handling a puppy that was unable to sit still for even a second, so back in December I bought a Canon Digital SLR.  I now have almost 6 GB’s of pictures!  So watch out!

Thank you for reading!

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